40 Tasks a Real Estate Virtual Assistant Can Do for You

31 tasks a real estate virtual assistant can handle for your business: property listing management, rental applications, lease renewals, photo enhancements, graphic design, newsletters, social media management, and more. Outsource tasks and scale your team with a virtual assistant. Expert guidance on hiring and effectively working with virtual assistants provided by Outsourcing Angel.

10 second summary

Real estate professionals have a lot on their plate, from managing clients to organizing schedules. A real estate virtual assistant (VA) can help with a variety of tasks, freeing up time for agents to focus on selling property and growing their business. Here are some tasks that a real estate virtual assistant can do:

  1. Research: A VA can conduct research on properties, neighborhoods, and market trends. They can also research potential clients and competitors.
  2. Data Entry: A VA can handle data entry tasks, such as inputting client information into a database or updating property listings.
  3. Bookkeeping: A VA can manage basic bookkeeping tasks, such as tracking expenses and income, and creating financial reports.
  4. Spreadsheet Creation and Management: A VA can create and manage spreadsheets for tracking leads, expenses, and other important data.
  5. Cold Calling: A VA can make cold calls to potential clients, follow up on leads, and schedule appointments.
  6. Social Media Management: A VA can manage social media accounts, create content, and engage with followers.
  7. Listing Management: A VA can manage property listings on various websites, ensuring that they are up-to-date and accurate.
  8. Email Management: A VA can manage email accounts, respond to inquiries, and schedule appointments.
  9. Appointment Scheduling: A VA can schedule appointments, send reminders, and manage calendars.
  10. Customer Service: A VA can handle customer service tasks, such as answering phone calls and responding to inquiries.
  11. Lead Generation: A VA can generate leads by conducting research, making cold calls, and following up on inquiries.
  12. Marketing: A VA can assist with marketing tasks, such as creating and launching email campaigns, updating websites, and tracking analytics.
  13. Listing Coordination: A VA can coordinate the listing process, from preparing contracts to scheduling inspections.
  14. Transaction Coordination: A VA can assist with transaction coordination, ensuring that all necessary documents are completed and deadlines are met.
  15. Administrative Tasks: A VA can handle administrative tasks, such as filing paperwork, managing office supplies, and organizing files.

Overall, a real estate virtual assistant can help agents save time, increase productivity, and grow their business. By outsourcing tasks to a VA, agents can focus on what they do best: selling property.

Tasks a Real Estate Virtual Assistant Can Do

Being a real estate agent can be a hectic job, with countless responsibilities and tasks to manage. It can often feel overwhelming to juggle all the administrative and marketing duties on your own. That’s where a real estate virtual assistant can be an invaluable asset. A virtual assistant can help lighten your workload and allow you to focus on what you do best: selling properties. In this article, we will explore the various tasks that a real estate virtual assistant can handle, both in terms of administration and marketing.

Administration Tasks

Upload and manage property listings

One of the most time-consuming tasks for a real estate agent is uploading and managing property listings. A virtual assistant can take this responsibility off your hands, ensuring that your listings are accurately and promptly uploaded to various platforms. From writing compelling property descriptions to uploading high-quality photos and videos, a virtual assistant can handle it all. They can also update listing changes, such as price reductions or property features, to keep your listings up to date.

Property research

Before listing a property, it’s essential to gather all the relevant information about it. A virtual assistant can conduct thorough property research, including gathering data on the neighborhood, nearby amenities, school districts, and more. This information can be invaluable when marketing the property to potential buyers or tenants.

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Ticker checks (rental history information)

When dealing with rental properties, it’s crucial to have access to rental history information. A virtual assistant can perform ticker checks, gathering data on previous renting history, including rental prices, tenancy durations, and any reported incidents or issues. This information can help you make more informed decisions and provide accurate information to potential tenants.

Property maintenance

Keeping track of property maintenance can be a time-consuming task for real estate agents. A virtual assistant can assist in managing property maintenance by coordinating with contractors and ensuring that repairs and maintenance tasks are completed in a timely manner. This can help streamline the process and ensure that properties are well-maintained.

Processing rental applications

Processing rental applications can be a tedious job, involving background checks, credit checks, and verifying references. A virtual assistant can handle this task efficiently, ensuring that all necessary documentation is collected and reviewed. They can also communicate with applicants and provide updates on the application process.

Lease renewals

Managing lease renewals can be a time-sensitive task, requiring prompt communication with tenants. A virtual assistant can handle lease renewals, preparing the necessary paperwork and ensuring that tenants are aware of their options. This can help streamline the process and ensure that lease renewals are handled efficiently.

Managing arrears

Dealing with rent arrears can be a delicate task, requiring effective communication and follow-up. A virtual assistant can assist in managing arrears, sending reminders to tenants, and coordinating with the necessary parties to resolve any outstanding issues. This can help ensure timely rent payments and maintain positive landlord-tenant relationships.


Having accurate and error-free documentation is crucial in the real estate world. A virtual assistant can help proofread all your documents, including property listings, contracts, and emails. They can catch any grammatical or spelling errors, ensuring that your communications are professional and polished.

Rental appraisals and reviews

When it comes to rental properties, conducting appraisals and reviews is essential. A virtual assistant can assist in conducting rental appraisals, analyzing market trends and gathering relevant data to determine appropriate rental values. They can also assist in reviewing rental agreements and making necessary adjustments based on market conditions.

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Listing agreements

Preparing listing agreements can be a time-consuming task, involving legal language and specific details. A virtual assistant can help draft and prepare listing agreements, ensuring that all necessary information is included and that the agreements comply with legal requirements. This can save you time and ensure that your listings are accurate and legally sound.

Tracking market statistics

Staying updated with market statistics is crucial for any real estate agent. A virtual assistant can help track and analyze market statistics, including property prices, sales trends, and rental rates. They can provide regular reports and updates, allowing you to make informed decisions based on current market conditions.

Responding to and filtering emails

Real estate agents often receive a high volume of emails, ranging from client inquiries to marketing opportunities. A virtual assistant can help manage your email inbox by filtering out irrelevant emails, responding to routine inquiries, and flagging important messages for your attention. This can help you stay organized and ensure that you never miss an important email.

Generating reports

From sales reports to marketing performance reports, real estate agents often need to generate various types of reports. A virtual assistant can help compile and generate these reports, ensuring that the data is accurate and presented in a visually appealing format. This can save you time and energy and help you gain insights into your business performance.

Updating listing changes

As properties evolve, there may be changes to listing information, such as price reductions, new features, or open house times. A virtual assistant can assist in promptly updating these changes across various platforms, ensuring that potential buyers or tenants receive accurate and up-to-date information.

Vendor reports

Working with vendors, such as photographers, signboard providers, or videographers, is an integral part of the real estate business. A virtual assistant can assist in managing vendor relationships, coordinating with vendors, and ensuring that deliverables are met in a timely manner. They can also provide vendor reports, summarizing the services provided and the associated costs.

Buyers matches

Matching buyers with suitable properties is a crucial task for real estate agents. A virtual assistant can help in this process by reviewing buyer preferences, analyzing property listings, and identifying potential matches. They can provide you with a list of potential properties that meet the buyers’ requirements, saving you time and effort in the search process.

Transcribing entry condition reports

When tenants move into a rented property, it’s essential to document the property’s condition. A virtual assistant can transcribe entry condition reports, ensuring that all relevant details are accurately recorded. This documentation is vital in case of any disputes or claims that may arise during or after the tenancy period.

Managing expired listings

Expired listings are an inevitable part of the real estate business. A virtual assistant can assist in managing expired listings, notifying you of any upcoming expirations and helping you decide whether to relist or update the property. This can help you stay on top of your listings and maximize your chances of selling or renting properties.

Basic bookkeeping

Keeping track of finances and expenses is crucial for any business, including real estate. A virtual assistant can assist in basic bookkeeping tasks, such as recording transactions, categorizing expenses, and preparing financial reports. This can help you stay organized and make informed financial decisions.

Organizing suppliers (photographers, signboards, videographers)

Working with suppliers is an essential aspect of the real estate business. A virtual assistant can assist in organizing suppliers, ensuring that photographers, signboard providers, videographers, and other vendors are scheduled and coordinated effectively. This can help streamline your operations and ensure that your marketing materials are created and delivered on time.

Managing open home times on portals

Organizing open house viewings can be a time-consuming task, especially when dealing with multiple properties. A virtual assistant can manage open home times on various portals, ensuring that potential buyers or tenants have accurate and up-to-date information about viewing times. They can also handle inquiries and provide any necessary follow-up information.

Follow-up database of buyers and cleaning

Building a database of potential buyers and tenants is essential for any real estate agent. A virtual assistant can help manage this database, ensuring that all relevant information is collected and organized. They can also assist in follow-up communications, such as sending targeted emails or providing additional information about properties.

Assisting sales agents with admin support

If you work in a real estate agency with multiple sales agents, a virtual assistant can provide admin support to the entire team. This can include tasks such as scheduling appointments, managing calendars, responding to inquiries, and handling paperwork. By providing reliable support to the sales agents, a virtual assistant can help improve efficiency and productivity.

Appointment setting

Scheduling appointments with clients, vendors, or other parties is a crucial part of the real estate business. A virtual assistant can handle appointment setting, ensuring that all parties are informed of the details and that everyone’s schedules align. This can save you time and prevent any scheduling conflicts or miscommunications.

Calendar management for sales agents

Real estate agents often have busy schedules, with multiple appointments and tasks to manage. A virtual assistant can help manage and organize calendars for sales agents, ensuring that all appointments, deadlines, and tasks are clearly scheduled and accounted for. This can help avoid double bookings and ensure that agents’ time is optimized.

Follow-up on RateMyAgent or Google Reviews

Online reviews play a significant role in building your reputation as a real estate agent. A virtual assistant can help manage and monitor your reviews on platforms like RateMyAgent or Google Reviews. They can respond to reviews, ensuring that positive feedback is acknowledged and any concerns or issues are addressed promptly. This can help maintain a positive online presence and build trust with potential clients.

Conducting Net Promoter Score (NPS) with clients

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a valuable metric for assessing customer satisfaction and loyalty. A virtual assistant can assist in conducting NPS surveys with your clients, gathering feedback on their experience working with you. This information can help you identify areas for improvement and gauge the success of your customer service efforts.

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Marketing Tasks

Photo enhancements

High-quality photos are crucial in attracting buyers or tenants to your listings. A virtual assistant can help enhance property photos, using photo editing software to adjust lighting, colors, and other aspects to make them more appealing. This can significantly improve the visual impact of your listings and increase interest from potential clients.

Graphic design

Effective graphic design can make your marketing materials stand out and leave a lasting impression. A virtual assistant with graphic design skills can create visually appealing brochures, flyers, social media posts, and other marketing materials. They can help maintain a consistent and professional visual identity for your brand, enhancing your marketing efforts.


Keeping in touch with clients and potential leads is essential for maintaining relationships and generating business. A virtual assistant can help create and manage newsletters, ensuring that your contacts receive regular updates, market insights, and relevant information. They can assist in designing, writing, and distributing newsletters, allowing you to stay top of mind with your audience.

Help with client referrals

Client referrals are a powerful source of new business for real estate agents. A virtual assistant can help manage client referrals by reaching out to satisfied clients and requesting referrals. They can maintain a referral database, track referrals, and follow up with clients to show appreciation for their referrals and keep them engaged.

Preparation of materials (e.g., PowerPoint presentations)

When meeting with clients or giving presentations, having professional and visually appealing materials can make a significant impact. A virtual assistant can assist in preparing materials for presentations, such as PowerPoint slides or handouts. They can help ensure that all information is organized, visually engaging, and aligned with your branding.

Managing social media marketing

Social media has become an integral part of marketing in almost every industry, including real estate. A virtual assistant can help manage your social media presence by creating and scheduling posts, engaging with followers, and analyzing the performance of your social media accounts. They can also help develop a social media strategy and identify opportunities for growth and engagement.

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Time Saved with a Virtual Assistant

By outsourcing various administrative and marketing tasks to a virtual assistant, real estate agents can save a significant amount of time. This saved time can be invested in more critical aspects of the business, such as meeting with clients, building relationships, and closing deals. Additionally, having a virtual assistant can help improve efficiency, reduce stress, and provide the support needed to succeed in a competitive industry.

31 Tasks A Real Estate Virtual Assistant Can Do For You


A real estate virtual assistant can be a game-changer for busy real estate agents. From handling administrative tasks to managing marketing efforts, a virtual assistant can provide invaluable support and help streamline your business operations. By delegating tasks to a virtual assistant, you can save time, improve efficiency, and focus on what really matters – closing deals and growing your business. So why not consider hiring a real estate virtual assistant today and experience the countless benefits it can bring to your real estate career!